The Impact of Divorce on Depression
The link between divorce and mental health issues are unfortunately strongly linked. Often, mental health issues can be a catalyst for a divorce, but divorce can also spark mental health problems for a spouse. Therefore, it is important to understand how to deal with divorce in a way that will not further worsen any mental health issues that you or your divorcing spouse has.
Everyone takes time to adjust to a divorce. Whether you chose to file for divorce or not, it is likely that you will have gone through a grieving process for your failed marriage. When a divorce feels traumatic in one way or another, it can cause a period of situational depression for many people. In many cases, this can be a very temporary period in which the person grows through it. However, some people find it difficult to overcome this difficult period.
How to Help Your Divorcing Spouse Through Their DepressionIf you are aware that your divorcing spouse is suffering from depression, you may feel guilty for filing for divorce. It is important that you stick by your decision but be empathetic to their situation. Often, a person’s depression in the divorce process can be treated through couple’s therapy and counseling. This may help your divorcing spouse to accept the situation, to work through any trauma that occurred and to develop new healthy habits for the future.
If you or your divorcing spouse is feeling depressed during the divorce process, it is important that you speak to a medical professional. You should also make sure that you choose a divorce process that is sensitive to the situation.